2021 Mayor’s Winter Message

2020 is now in the history books and a new year – 2021 is here! There is hope among us all I am sure that things will not be as ‘difficult’ to deal with as the past year regarding the COVID-19 situation. In fact, things are looking brighter already with the vaccine rolling out and all – hopefully, things will return to some sense of ‘normal’ sooner – rather than later. I would also like to thank residents, businesses, staff, workers, Council and the essential workers for all doing their part in helping us get to this point. I know by following various health and safety guidelines and regulations we will get this through these times together.

December past, Council presented its Budget for 2021. It was a balanced budget ($8.6M) designed to provide core services that residents are asking for and require. It was also a Budget that will see again major investments in infrastructure. Some highlights include.

  • No change to mill rates for both property and business owners along with no increase in current Water & Sewer Taxes. In 2020 however, in accordance with the Municipalities Act (1999) it was noted that the Town was required to tax properties that are capable of being serviced by a water system, sewage system or a water and sewer system. The Act states; “A Council of a municipality served by a water system, sewage system or a water and sewer system shall impose upon the owner of real property located inside the municipality that is connected or is capable of being serviced by that system, a tax, to be known as the water and sewage tax”. This change/addition primarily refers to vacant land that is capable of being serviced. It is important to note that it will be once again be taxed at a reduced fee/rate from the normal/current water & sewer tax. For additional information, please feel free to contact the Council Office.
  • The continuation of a 5% discount for early payment of taxes for all residents and the continuation of the policy of a 10% discount for early payment for seniors. Also, our low income senior payment plan will be continued.
  • The budget will see funding provided to the scheduled road infrastructure project (tendered & engineered) on the Cross Road. Additionally, monies have been allocated for new projects on the main road in Shearstown, repairs to the steps at the Three Sisters on the Shoreline Heritage Trail and for sidewalks along Route 70 from Barracks Road to the Shearstown intersection and along a section of road on Eric Dawe Drive.
  • Monies will be provided to once again support our Fire Department purchase additional equipment and for training. In addition, the Town is purchasing a new Fire/Rescue truck to aid the Department in dealing with any circumstances it may come up against.
  • The Town will also be purchasing 2 additional pickups for the Public Works Department. In addition, an order has been placed for a new side-loaded Garbage Truck which is scheduled to arrive in early 2022.
  • To help with the future growth and development of the Town, monies are once again being allocating to start the process of completing a new Town Plan. Plans for this project to begin last year were obviously disrupted due to the pandemic. A new Town Plan is required every 10 years for all incorporated Towns in NL.
  • As emphasized continually over the past number of years, for the Town to function properly – it is necessary for residents to pay their taxes and for the Town to collect them. The Town depends upon it and it asks that both residents and businesses make the payment of taxes a continued priority. In 2020 plans were well underway to ensure that taxes were being paid. However, with the unexpected arrival of Covid-19 – plans to do so were delayed. They will though, in 2021 be implemented once again. The Town will offer and ask for cooperation and ensure that a respectful process is in place in doing so. Anyone with outstanding tax bills are asked to contact the Council Office so as payment plans can be put into place if necessary.

Once again, I would like to remind residents about our Recycling Program. Fees have gone up to the tune of approximately $30,000 this year due to an increase at the Robin Hood Bay Dump Site. Thus, I urge everyone to Reduce, Recycle & Reuse so as recycling continues to grow in Bay Roberts. Remember – recycling helps ourenvironment in a big way and it is certainly more economical for taxpayers!

There will be  a variety of activities ongoing this Winter Season, whether in person or virtually, both in Bay Roberts and the surrounding area. I encourage everyone to get out and about and enjoy what the season has to offer – safely of course.  To see what is on the go – check regularly at bayroberts.com  In the meanwhile, congratulations and thank you to all our volunteers who help in our community in any way they can.

Lastly, to say the least about the weather in Newfoundland & Labrador, lately it has not been too bad of a Winter however, it certainly can be unpredictable. Thus, I ask everyone to stay prepared for the snow, ice and colder temperatures that will surely come this season. Most importantly – drive safely! Our Public Works Department is always out there during this time of year doing their very best to maintain safe driving and walking conditions for all! Thanking everyone in advance for their support and cooperation.

In conclusion, I hope it is both an enjoyable and safe season and year for all!

Mayor Philip Wood

Mayor Philip Wood