Mayor’s Message Summer 2021

Well, I certainly do not want to jinx things, but it appears that the weather is getting a bit better – finally! School will be out, and I am sure planning for one’s summer is well underway.

To say that the last year and a half we have all experienced has been a difficult time would be an understatement. However, with vaccines and the vaccination roll out proceeding well there is certainly great hope for us all. There is a light at the end of a long road where there hopefully will be a return to some sense of normalcy. However, I caution everyone that we are not there yet. Please continue to follow health regulations, protocols and guidelines and above all get vaccinated when it is your time to do so.  

The Town is also getting back to its normal routine with a variety of activities and events ongoing. Staff have been adapting and modifying them over the past year and will continue to do so. The annual Songs, Stages and Seafood Festival was recently held and by all reports a great success. Parks and recreation facilities are being prepared and program planning is well underway. At you will be able to see a variety of events for the upcoming summer season and early fall. Please check regularly as these will be updated on a consistent basis.

I would urge everyone to become involved and take in as many events as you can as it undoubtedly would help to build a sense of great community spirit. Something I feel would benefit us all at this time. These events have been made possible through the hard work and efforts of community groups and committees of Council comprised of both residents and staff – a big thank you to them all –  so let us show them our support!

On a different but important note, I would ask that you continue to support our local businesses wherever and whenever possible – they mean a great deal to our community.

In ending, I would like to wish everyone an incredibly happy and safe summer. I hope it is one that is enjoyable for all!

Stay Strong – We are in this together and together we will get through it!!

Mayor Philip Wood

Bay Roberts, Home of the 2024 NL Summer Games