ATV/Off Road Vehicle Use Survey

The Town of Bay Roberts is currently considering a pilot project regarding the use of ATV/off road vehicles throughout the municipality. We are looking for your feedback on this idea. There are two proposed routes:

Option One: Eric Dawe Drive

Option Two: Shearstown Road

Proposed Regulations:

• ATV‘s and Off-road Vehicles would be permitted to operate on proposed routes only
• Proposed Route Number One – Only permitted during non-school hours 
• Proposed Route Number Two – Not restricted to Non-school hours
• Both Routes closed to ATV/off road traffic between 10pm and 7am
• ATV/Off Road Vehicles Only Permitted in following cases:
  1. Operator must be at least 16 years of age
  2. Operator must possess a valid drivers License
  3. Operator must be able to produce proof of liability insurance
  4. Vehicle must have registration plate displayed
  5. Vehicle must be equipped with a non-modified exhaust system
  6. Vehicle must adhere to the rules of the road
  7. Vehicle must at no time exceed 30 km/h

• Other conditions and offence fines will be included


Please click the button below to complete the survey and let us know what you think of this idea.

Complete Survey Here