Emergency Preparedness – February 3, 2022

As the weekend approaches, we are forecasted to be hit with 25-50mm of freezing rain, this has a high potential for power outages. Below is a checklist and generator safety graphic from the National Fire Protection Association. We ask that you reach out and assist any neighbour that may need extra help to prepare for the storm. If need be, the Town’s emergency management committee is prepared and ready to assist as required. If you have not already downloaded Voyent Alert, we kindly ask that you do so. If your basement is prone to flooding, make sure that your sump pump is in operation and that you have a backup power plan for the pump. In the event of any active emergency that requires immediate Fire, Police, or EMS response, dial 911.

Stay warm & stay safe,

Justin Parsons
Director, Protective Services
(O) 709-786-2126 ext. 229 | (E) jparsons@town.bayroberts.nf.ca

Town Office Phone Number: 709-786-2126

Download Voyent Alert: https://www.bayroberts.com/introducing-voyent-alert-notification-system/