Fire Ban Notice

On 22 April 2020, the Provincial Government established a ban on Open Fires. This is an annual ban that was traditionally implemented from 1 May till 30 September each year. This year there are a couple of additions to the ban:

  • Fireworks are not permitted.
  • No permits for open air burning (burning grass or brush) will not be issued. Any previous permits are revoked.

We have received many questions to what is a CSA approved firepit. To give an example of an approved firepit see the photo below. This is just an example and there are many other units that are approved.

Photo credit:

While enjoying your fire we kindly ask you to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Burn only seasoned Class A materials (wood & paper)
  • Ensure wind speeds are not exceeding 25 km/h
  • Watch the smoke to ensure it does not bother neighbouring properties
  • Keep your firepit 2.5 meters or further from any structures, the roadway or any other combustible materials.
  • Your firepit should be used on a level non combustible surface (gravel, pavement or concrete)
  • While burning ensure the spark arrestor (screen) is over the appliance
  • Have a way to extinguish the fire, a charged garden hose is best. 
  • NEVER leave the fire burning unattended. Once you are finished with your fire, we ask that you fully extinguish it.

If your fire gets out of your control, do not hesitate to call 911. Quick suppression is essential to ensure life safety, minimal property damage & the protection of our environment.

Thank you for your cooperation, if you have any further questions feel free to reach out:

Justin Parsons, Director of Protective Services | 1-709-703-0670 ext. 239

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