Mayor’s Message – Summer 2022

Hello everyone!
I hope you’re all doing well. It seems like the weather has finally taken a turn for the better and with the nicer weather, it’s no trouble to see more activity all around town. It’s so good to see after another long winter and residents are so anxious to get on the move.

As we all know, everyone at the Town of Bay Roberts will do what they can to keep everybody busy and active over the next few months with the numerous activities and events planned with some coinciding with Come Home Year 2022. Our Songs, Stages and Seafood Festival kicked off our event season last weekend and again it was a major success with hundreds of people from across the province, country and continent in attendance. The weekend was full of local cuisine and entertainment, and I’m sure everyone went home happy. Much appreciation to all those who contribute to make all our events so successful and make sure to have a look for more announcements about upcoming events in the days to come. Don’t forget, our inaugural Newfoundland Tulip Festival is taking place on June 11-12!

We are looking forward to seeing increased residential and commercial construction activity around town. Please keep in mind the safety of our workers and contractors as they carry out the important work they do – and a kind word of appreciation never goes astray. Over the past few weeks, our staff has been working hard to clean up the mess that winter left behind. Out of respect for their hard work, let’s all do the right thing and keep it clean. Put your garbage in the proper place and take it home with you instead of throwing it out your window.

I would like to extend congratulations to all students who have or will be graduating from high school and post-secondary this year. A sincere wish for much success as you enter the next phase of your life, whether it be the workforce or continuing your studies, the possibilities are endless.

Speaking of success, I have to send congratulations out to our hometown kid, Dawson Mercer, for being selected to play with Team Canada and coming home with a silver medal. Way to go! #AwesomeDawson

Come Home Year will be celebrated throughout the province in 2022. For those coming home, or those visiting for the first time, we extend a warm Bay Roberts welcome to you all and hope you enjoy your time here. Please take advantage of our beautiful trails and gardens, recreation facilities, and local businesses and restaurants. We have something for everyone!

Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable summer and for all the Leafs fans out there “There’s always next year”.

Take care,

Mayor Walter Yetman