Press Release: Announcing Senior Management Changes

BAY ROBERTS, NL – The Town of Bay Roberts is announcing that our Chief Administrative Officer, Nigel Black, has submitted his resignation effective November 15 as he will be relocating to pursue a new opportunity with another municipality. Nigel has been an integral part of our staff, leading the management team since being hired in 2010. He has contributed significantly to the growth and development of our Town over his term here and we would like to thank him on behalf of Council and wish him well in his future endeavors.
At this time, we would further like to announce that Dave Tibbo, Director of Recreation, has been appointed as Interim CAO. Dave will start immediately and work with CAO Black over the coming weeks to ensure a seamless transition. Dave has considerable municipal management experience and Council has full confidence in him moving forward. The initial appointment of this interim term is for 6 months, at which time both parties will determine if the appointment is to be permanent or whether other replacement options will be considered.