Public Notice: Sale of Surplus Equipment

The Town Council of Bay Roberts wishes to advise its residents that Sealed bids are being invited for the sale of equipment that is surplus to the needs of the Town of Bay Roberts.

Sealed bids will be received at the Town Office up until 4:00pm on Thursday April 10th. Each bid envelope must contain only one bid. All bids will be opened publicly at the time of closing. Each piece of equipment listed has a minimum tender value that will be considered, tenders below that amount will be discarded. If multiple tenders are received for the same amount on any given piece of equipment, a draw will be conducted to determine the successful bidder. All pieces of equipment will be sold in theircurrent condition and in their current location. The following Pieces of Equipment will be available for tender:

1) 2016 Navistar Rear Load Waste Compactor 29 CU. YD

232037 kms Min. Tender: $35,000

2) 2019 International Side Load Waste Compactor 2 stream (60/40) 33 CU. YD

149469 kms Min. Tender: $90,000

3) 2022 International Side Load Waste Compactor 2 stream (60/40) 35 CU. YD

57519 kms Min. Tender: $220,000

Sealed envelopes shall be clearly marked as follows and clearly identify which piece of equipment the tender is for. If you are interested in multiple pieces of equipment, then multiple sealed envelopes will be required. *Electronic Bids NOT accepted

Tender – (Equipment Description)

Town of Bay Roberts

PO Box 114, 321 Water Street

Bay Roberts, NL, A0A 1G0

A potential bidder can request a site visit (one only) up to four days before the closing date and by appointment by contacting Sean Elms at or 709-786-2126 during regular business hours.