We’re Hiring: Conception Bay North By-Law Enforcement Officer

Conception Bay North By-Law Enforcement Officer
Management Position Permanent Full-Time
Date Posted: February 20, 2025
Description of Work
- Works under the direction of the Director of Protective Services for The Town of Bay Roberts
- Shares working time amongst the four Municipalities as per the agreement. Bay Roberts 50%, Harbour Grace 23%, Spaniards Bay 22%, and North River 5%.
- Is the first point of contact for all municipal enforcement issues, monitoring office and cellphone messages as well as email. Maintains a log of issues identified and ensures prompt response to all complaints and questions
- Focus on all Municipal Bylaws such as, Commercial Vehicle Regulations, Signage Regulations, Animal Control, Noise/ Nuisance and Developments undertaken without permission.
- Any approved development by a town will be forwarded onto the officer for review. The officer will be notified and asked to attend the work sites to ensure builders compliance with the permitted application with any issues to be reported to the CAO of that Municipality.
- Ensures a daily focus on Fire Lanes Infractions, maintaining a consistent presence in fire lanes as a deterrent and form of education. Maintains record of warnings issued/tickets issued
- Documents any cases of municipal regulation infractions through pictures/ video for court preparation as necessary. Provide warnings/information regarding infractions that are witnessed
- Document and issue orders as necessary. (Orders to be written by The CAO of the Municipality as per their respective policy)
- Carry out surveillance of all off road vehicle use on roadways to provide to the RCMP for investigation
- Carry out security duties of Municipal Infrastructure/ equipment & recommend to The Respective CAO of better ways to improve security in these locations.
- Report broken or damaged street lighting to NL power to ensure repair. This includes biannual patrols of the jurisdiction during night to check these lights.
- Hours of work will be 35 hours a week from 8:30-4:30 (one hour for lunch). Days of work will typically be Monday- Friday but maybe altered to cover off Municipal Weekend events substituting other days worked/off.
- Officer will follow Town of Bay Roberts policy with regards to vacation and sick time.
Qualifications and Experience:
- Undergraduate degree or post- secondary education in the field of Criminology and/or Law Enforcement. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be considered.
- Emergency First Aid
- Minimum of three years experience in the law enforcement or security field
- A valid Drivers Licence with unrestricted Class 5
- Drivers Abstract and a Certificate of Conduct with Vulnerable Sector is a condition of employment
- Great knowledge and understanding of Microsoft Word and report writing
- Strong customer service skills and the ability to interact with the public, including handling complaints and challenging situations.
- Above average verbal and written communication, interpersonal and organizational skills.
- Knowledge of Municipal By-Laws
- Attention to Detail
- Identifying violations, ensuring accuracy in documentation, and reporting.
The successful applicant must provide a copy of official educational documents confirming education requirements, three employment references, a Certificate of Conduct, Vulnerable Sector Check and Drivers Abstract prior to commencement.
COMPENSATION: Salary Commensurate with Qualifications and Experience
COMPETITION: Bay Roberts 25-02-20
CLOSING DATE: March 5, 2025
SUBMIT TO: Greg Squires, Director of Protective Services – gsquires@bayroberts.com
The Town of Bay Roberts is an equal opportunity employer. Please note that only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Thanks for taking the time and interest in applying.